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Falska SMS från Postnord slutar i månadsprenumeration

Falska SMS från Postnord slutar i månadsprenumeration

Backgrund SVT Nyheter rapporterade här om dagen att falska SMS skickades till person i Sverige. SMS’et ser ut som nedan. Länken leder till? Klickar man på länken som hamnar man på en hemsida som försöker vara något något PostNord liknande.Länken i det här fallet leder till sidan www(.)postnord-sverige(.).com . Ett falskt kollinummer är redan ifylld. Klickar man på ”Sök försändelse” så utökas sidan med följande information. När vi klickar på ”Betala frakt” så skickas man vidare till en hemsida där…

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Netflix Scam advertised on Twitter

Netflix Scam advertised on Twitter

Yesterday I saw this Netflix advertisement in my Twitter feeds appearing. Looking really good the price, but the link is not really going to ”Netflix” if you watch carefully. Also the Account publishing this advertisement is not Netflix USA, it’s called ”Ne_flixUS”.   The website itself looks like the real Netflix page, but only registering as a new user is possible. The site itself is created the same day (3rd of November). Login will bring you to the page to…

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How to check IP addresses used with your Facebook account

How to check IP addresses used with your Facebook account

The news today revealed a Facebook breach. You maybe are wondering whether someone else then you did use your Facebook account? There is an rather easy way to check this out. How to create a Facebook log file with your IP addresses Start with login to your Facebook account and go to your ”Facebook Settings”. There you have a menu called ”Your Facebook information”. Click ”Download your information” -> ”View” The next view will show you a list with a…

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Running WireGuard on an ASUS router

Running WireGuard on an ASUS router

Prerequisites ASUS RT-AC86U router Merlin Firmware for ASUS installed USB storage device connected to the router Download Putty (if running Windows) to connect to your router Subscription at a VPN provider that support the WireGuard protocol Use a public DNS service as for example Quad9 in your router config or combine it with a Pi-Hole. Install Entware on the router/USB connected storage with command: Link to Merlin Instructions about this. Installation of WireGuard (Instruction and links collected from SmallNetBuilder…

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How big are swedish VPN providers?

How big are swedish VPN providers?

Introduction Since a couple of month I was wondering, how big Swedish VPN providers actually are? Who has the most users? Well this is difficult to say since this information is not published very often. To get some kind of estimation about how much money each VPN provider is doing in 2017, I was using the  available tax information for each of the companies behind for the VPN providers selected. The tax information for each company is publicly available in…

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Email access in clear text, least effort by a Swedish ISP

Email access in clear text, least effort by a Swedish ISP

Introduction Yesterday I got a call from a friend living near Södertälje, in the south of Stockholm. He got a new internet modem from his local ISP which he needed help with installing. So I went over to his place for being the helping hand.  About the local ISP The internet service provider he is using is called C-SAM AB, which is a local company mainly delivering internet, telephony and TV to customers in and around Södertälje area. According to…

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Fake Fly SAS gratis biljetter och ICA presentkort på Facebook

Fake Fly SAS gratis biljetter och ICA presentkort på Facebook

Dags för en ny blåsning på Facebook. Följande postade en av mina Facebook vänner här om dagen. Klickar man på länken, så hamnar man på följande sida, där man måste besvara några frågor om SAS. Oavsett vad man svarar så kommer man till slutet vidare och ”vinner” sina 2 gratis biljetter. För att få ut sina ”gratis” biljetter måste man bara ”Dela” det här på sin Facebook sida, samt klicka på ”Gilla”. Gör man det så hamnar man plötsligt på…

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How to setup a home network with extra security for free

How to setup a home network with extra security for free

Introduction Nowadays we all are using more and more internet connected devices at home together with ”Internet of Things” devices also called IoT. Below are just a few examples: computers & laptops cellphones & tablets Surveillance web cameras Multi media players / speakers / Smart TV’s Weather stations Everything is online, connected to the internet and some of the devices are easily to use or administrate through an app on your phone or tablet. With more and more devices connected…

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Mapping of egress points used by VPN providers

Mapping of egress points used by VPN providers

Introduction This is a follow up on my previous article about ”Are VPN providers more trustworthy than your local ISP?”. In this article I was mapping different VPN provider’s internet egress points.   Now, half a year later I thought it was time for an updated on this mapping, since I have seen a few changes while using different VPN providers myself.   The mapping candidates The countries I’m mapping against are the same as in my previous article. Sweden…

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Huddinge Plus – rabatter mot försäljning av personlig information

Huddinge Plus – rabatter mot försäljning av personlig information

Inledning Som besökare i Huddinge Centrum ser man reklam på en app som heter: ”Huddinge PLUS – Ditt digitala klippkort”.     Appen beskrivs med följande ord på Huddinge Centrum’s hemsida:    Huddinge PLUS är kundklubben för dig som bor i Huddinge med omnejd. Du som lite då och då, kanske ofta, handlar i någon av våra 70 butiker eller avnjuter lunch, middag eller bara en kaffe på något av våra caféer eller restauranger. Vi gillar dig och vill gärna…

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